30 Sept 2017

Not really sure how to start this weeks entry. But...I lost my white Ringneck yesterday. It was so surreal. One minute she was on my shoulder bobbing along happily as I unpacked the car, chatting away in my ear. Then a whoosh past my shoulder and she was gone. A lone Kookaburra had been hanging around for a few weeks, but I never put that into context of stalking my pet. So she is gone and nothing I can do about it.

Then this morning I found a puff of white feathers in the orchard under a tree. It just highlighted to me the brevity of life and how much we can take it for granted in this world. RIP Bonne - Bonne.

Onto merrier matters now. What is going on with the weather here in SE QLD?? Three days in a row this week over 40 degrees Celsius!! The bore water is getting flogged daily, but I am thanking my lucky stars it is available. There is a public water point in town and it is getting flogged too with queues for filling up the water cubes of 1000 litres at a time. I reckon everyone in QLD is praying for rain.

Another week down on the PTSD course, only four more to go and I just cant wait to finish. Sleep issues and depression where topics for this week and lets just say this week on course brought out some fucking demons that I would have rather not exposed, but its done now, so that's that. However all the weeks that have passed are making a difference...I am beginning to feel better. Calmer and more aware of how I feel and why.

So now I have some very good news to share. There will be a Korean Natural Farming course on in the sunny isles of Hawai'i next January, and yes I have decided to take the plunge and sign up for it. What this means is that becoming certified in this horticulture training practice, will put some real meat onto the bones of the programme I am implementing into the orchard. Well there is only so much you can learn through You tube, and I really need a break too. The course is a level 2 in Korean Natural Farming and covers everything I have managed so far, but with added soil science - yep right up my street indeed! There is a thriving supportive Facebook community within the KNF page, so to finally meet those who have inspired me on this journey will be awesome. Duty free orders anyone??

The world according to Rex:

So I am learning to swim...mum put me in the big pool and it was SALTY....YUK. Now am cleanest dog in Queensland. And I can also blow bubbles. So damned clever.


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